Sleeplessness (Insomnia)
Sleeplessness, also known as Insomnia, is an inability to initiate sleep or maintain it after initiation. This is not considered as a disorder or a disease but a condition that occurs to most adults at certain phase of their lives. Depending on the duration of persistence of the problem, Insomnia is generally classified into transient insomnia, short-term insomnia, and long-term insomnia
Transient insomnia - lasts less than a week
Short-term insomnia - lasts anywhere between one to three weeks, also known as acute insomnia. This could be due to changes in working hours, sudden increase in stress, anxiety, alcohol or drug withdrawal, change in location or jet lag.
Long-term insomnia - lasts more than three weeks, also known as chronic insomnia
The causes of above condition could due to below reasons.
- Schizophrenia
- Psychological trauma
- Depression
- Bipolar disorder
- Mental illness

Restlessness the inability to remain still or at rest. Sometimes it could be mental restlessness or loss of sleep due to restlessness. Reason may be discontent or dissatisfaction that drives one to keep looking for solutions, alternatives or new things.
Homeopathy treatment for insomnia and restlessness if effectively managed by constitutional treatment.